Part 1: Hong Kong Business Case Competition
The business case competition will take a real business company as theme and participants will submit business proposals in teams (4 Teammates) based on real business environment and social situations. This competition accepts university students from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and universities from all over the world.
商業個案比賽會以一家真實商業公司作主題,參加者會就現實商業環境及社會狀況以隊伍形式(每隊 4人)提交商業建議計劃書。而是次比賽接受內地、香港、澳門、台灣及來自世界不同大學的大學生參賽。

Part 2: Malaysia Exchange Tour for Finalists
The 10 teams with highest score in the contest will be arranged to participate a 7 days exchange event in Malaysia. Students from different countries in the world will be divided into new groups, leading by a mentor. The format will be visits, interacting and completing different tasks in groups during the 7 days of exchange hence they can learn more about each other.
Registration Link

Registration ended